A very long swimming pool on the way out and short on the way back.
It is the perspective effect created by architects Mikail Akbas and Massimo Carmellini, who also designed the villa on the heights of Chiasso.
Seen from the side of the diving board, the pool appears very long and the body of water is the absolute protagonist.
Conversely, on the opposite side it is the villa and the large lawn that characterize the space, and the swimming pool – which previously seemed as long as the porch – retreats into the greenery.
The infinity east side and the slope of the lawn produce another surprising effect, with the trees in the hedge appearing to rise directly from the water.
The exposed swimming pool was built in a Drytech waterproof concrete structure and waterproofed, once the construction was completed, with injections of expanding resin which sealed the joints, the shrinkage cracks and the numerous crossings, such as the inflow vents, the drains and the immersed lamps.
Project: Architetti Mikail Akbas, Chiasso and Massimo Carmellini, Balerna.
Construction: Garzoni, Lugano