Hydroelectric power plant, Casale Monferrato

The new hydroelectric plant of Casale Monferrato

Building for water can sometimes mean having to build underwater too. The new Casale Monferrato hydroelectric power plant was built below the left bank of the Po, and the river also completely flooded the construction site during the 18 months in which the work was carried out.

The natural flooding in the floodplain area where the construction site was opened did not represent a problem for the Drytech Tank, because the construction characteristics and materials of the system cannot be altered by the presence of water, not even during construction.

The same DRYflex resin, which is injected into the construction details to seal them, is effective in the presence of water, even under pressure.

Built by Allara SpA of Casale Monferrato, the system consists of a mobile weir in the riverbed, an intake structure upstream of the weir from which the diversion canal begins which conveys the water to the central building which houses the groups of energy production and, downstream of this, the return channel into the riverbed.
The work is completed by two access ladders – one on each bank – for the ichthyofauna and the ramp for the passage of canoes.

The mobile barrier crosspiece, made up of a tubular structure in water-inflatable rubberized fabric, guarantees the diversion of the water flow to the lateral intake work of the left bank.

When the water level upstream reaches the maximum authorized level, the crossbar is depressed under the pressure of the water that overcomes it, avoiding flooding.

With its 200 meters of longitudinal development, it is the largest flexible dam in the world built with this technology.

The production plant hosts four turbines that generate an average power of approximately 3000 kW, for an annual production of 21 GWh.

Access to the turbine room is guaranteed by an underground tunnel connected to an entrance hatch. The tunnel is also a full Drytech Tank (waterproof floor, walls and slab), connected to the main body by a movement joint which has been waterproofed with DRYset injectable Waterstop Tape.

Owner: Idropana, Turin

Technical direction: STA Engineering, Pinerolo

Eng. Gianluca Odetto – SERTECH, Loranzè

Allara SpA, Casale Monferrato

Drytech Tank: 1,200 m2

Expansion of the Frigerio plant, Locarno

Insertion of waterstop tape in the cut made in the existing wall

Past and future have finally found a point of contact: the DRYset Injectable Waterstop Tape for movement joints.

The addition of a new body to the building of the Frigerio company in Locarno required the opening of a passage between the existing building and the new one.

The underground connection was made waterproof by inserting a continuous waterstop tape in the movement joint between the two bodies.

The DRYset injectable Waterstop Tape adds to the mechanical barrier function of traditional tapes the possibility of maintaining the joint over time, with possible re-injections of DRYflex expansive resin.

The profile of the Waterstop DRYset tape is in fact equipped with two micro-perforated ducts, through which the waterproofing resin can be injected and re-injected.

The tape was prepared in the Drytech laboratory and subjected to joint tightness tests before installation.

Access to the belt for any maintenance of the joint is guaranteed by cannulae accessible from the intrados of the building.

Owner: Poncini Holding SA, Locarno

Project: 3G Architetti SA, Tenero

Structure: Studio d’ingegneria Anastasi, Locarno

Construction: Gamboni e Salmina SA, Gordola