The Drytech Tank System allows you to create waterproof underpasses without interrupting traffic and, above all, without the risk of damaging the waterproofing.
Commissioned by the Municipality of Muzzano, the Agnuzzo pedestrian underpass was built outside the carriageway, in Drytech waterproof concrete.
The joints have been prepared for resin injection with DRYset channels. The shrinkage cracks were checked with the DRYset crack elements.
The monolith was then pushed by jacks below the roadway, while the ground was progressively dug from the inside.
Once in place, the monolith was injected from the inside with DRYflex resin, whose elasticity and expansion qualities allow the waterproofing to adapt to the vibrations produced by higher traffic.
The ex-post waterproofing, by means of injections, on the one hand cannot be damaged during processing and, on the other hand, also allows to seal any cracks produced by the thrust stresses.
Client: Canton Ticino
Structure: MPN Ingegneria SA, Muzzano
Construction: Geo-Edil SA, Lugano