We specialise in waterproofing to guarantee engineers, architects, construction companies and surveyors the solutions that give the greatest safety, allow maintenance and save time and resources during construction.
Guaranteeing safe waterproofing through specialization is the vision that prompted Reinhard Krattiger to found his company in Basel in 1963.
This vision has become the guiding value of our work.
With Drytech you put effective, consistent and cost-effective solutions into your projects, experimented every day in hundreds of construction sites in Europe.
Quality allows you to do difficult things in the most practical way.
Drytech systems are essential because they are based on latest generation materials and technologies and are applied by specialized technicians.
In addition to ensuring consistent and effective solutions, this approach makes systems cost-effective, not only for clients, but also for planners and construction companies.
MADE IN Switzerland

The patented DRYflex resin, which represents the core of our waterproofing systems, is produced in Switzerland, in the Drytech plant in Bedano, Canton Ticino.
The elements of the DRYset program have also been designed in the Drytech headquarters and all special tailor-made solutions are designed and produced there: from Ex-Post Gaskets to Waterproof Pump Wells.
The powerful and light D1 injection machine is also Made in Switzerland.
Quality and precision, together with production independence, allow us to stay on the market with the state of the art of waterproofing systems.
experts and closer
The Drytech Tank resets the waterproofing from the Gantt chart. The installation and injection activities are in fact parallel to those of the basement and independent of the weather.
It is the Drytech technicians who adapt to the work calendar, and not vice versa.
To guarantee this just-in-time presence, you need a structure of expert technicians and an office close to your construction site. Quality, but also quantity.
Because being a partner means being there when you need it.
In the picture: Drytech technicians and engineers of one of the Drytech branches.


Drytech is at the third generation of waterproofers.
Since the early 60s of the last century, the Krattiger family – owner of the Drytech brand – has been dedicated to waterproofing in groundwater, using all the systems, which today are defined as traditional, until the advent of the White Tank.
From the mid-1980s he helped to spread the White Tank, introducing it for the first time in 1999 on the Italian market.
Since 2000 this personal history has become a company, with the creation of the Drytech Group and the related Research and Development laboratory.
The company has given a strong acceleration to the evolution of the system, synthesizing a new type of acrylic resin – also suitable for structures in contact with drinking water – by conducting research and tests on concrete by the Swiss and Italian polytechnics.
This is the birth of the Drytech Tank: the most advanced, safe and durable waterproofing system.
Waterproof and on the control and programming systems of the shrinkage crack.
All Drytech products are tested and certified by independent institutes, recognized by the EU.
Since 2004, Drytech has also developed an engineering approach to waterproofing, designers and companies provide ultra-specialized consultancy that puts them in contact with the surprises and risks associated with such a particular area of construction.
From the two Krattiger offices in Basel and Lugano in 1963, we reached the eighteen companies of the Drytech Group in Switzerland, Italy and Germany, to which are added the five partners who use Drytech systems in three continents. An industrial history that has as its main theme the attitude to quality and continuous progress.
From an intense training activity on the theme of groundwater waterproofing, holding seminars at professional associations and polytechnics, with the aim of acquiring a technical knowledge that allows operators in the sector a more informed choice of waterproofing systems.
The Drytech Group carries out approximately 850,000 m² of waterproofing per year, including new buildings and renovations, operating in more than 1,000 construction sites.
A large number and, above all, a variety of interventions that increase our specialization and translate into the continuous evolution of our waterproofing systems.

certified waterproofing
Drytech is ISO 9001:2015 certified because our role on the market is based on quality.
The certification of our industrial processes allows us to maintain the constantly high quality of the products, systems and services we provide to you.
It is our way of ensuring that the duration of the waterproofing coincides with the life of the work.