waterproofing project
The design makes waterproofing safer and durable.
According to a research by the Swiss Construction Office,
almost 83% of infiltrations are caused by design errors.
The cooperation between Drytech Engineering, architects and engineers makes the project safe
and the construction of the waterproof structure quicker and more convenient and efficient.

The Drytech Tank introduces the concept of Waterproofing Design. This approach optimizes resources, speeds site progression and produces time and cost savings – both during construction and throughout the life cycle of the facility.
It is surprising how much time, money and damage it saves to draw up the tender specifications on the basis of a well-conceived and detailed waterproofing project, which includes a risk analysis and a maintenance plan adapted to the service life of the work (SIA 260 compliant).
The Drytech Tank is a waterproof structure. It is the overcoming of the old approach of waterproofing added to the structure, in favor of an intrinsically waterproof construction: faster to build, easier to maintain, more consistent and safer.
Drytech deals exclusively with waterproof structures in groundwater.
An absolute specialization, fueled daily by direct commitment in over 1,000+ construction projects in Switzerland, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Drytech Engineering is the tool that transfers this know-how into your project.
If the designer is the captain of the ship, Drytech Engineering is the pilot of the port who, being an expert in that basin, gets on board only for docking maneuvers.

Drytech Engineering assists and supports the Structuralist in the Design of the Waterproof Structure, optimizing the construction choices according to waterproofing.
- Engineering consultancy for underground design.
- Control of the reinforcement plans in anti-shrinkage function
- Pre-qualification concrete / Mix design.
Drytech defines the waterproof concrete recipe according to the characteristics of the system chosen by the customer.
- Checks on fresh concrete.
- Laboratory checks on concrete for strength and traction.
- Checks for reinforcement laying and concrete casting.
- Advice to the construction company for a state of the art construction of the waterproof structure.
- Quality dossier with protocols, photos and installation plans of DRYset systems.
At the end of construction, Drytech produces a dossier that photographs the activities carried out, the checks carried out and the characteristics of the waterproof structure.
An X-ray image that will also facilitate maintenance activities during the life cycle of the structure.

SIA 272 / Eurocode 2 part 3 standards
Groundwater waterproofing is regulated by SIA 272 (for Switzerland) and Eurocode 2 part 3 (Europe).
The Drytech White Tank System meets the requirements of the Standard for the construction of Class 1 waterproof structures.
We quote below some fundamental passages of the Construction Standard.
2.2.2 Table 2. Classes of impermeability
Waterproof class – Description
1 Completely dry
Moisture stains on the intrados of the structure are not allowed.
2 Dry to slightly damp
Isolated moisture spots are allowed. Drips on the intrados of the structure are not allowed.
3 Humid
Locally limited humidity spots and isolated drips in the intrados of the structure are allowed.
4 From humid to wet
Moisture stains and drips are allowed.
The load-bearing structure and the structural elements (underground; n.d.t) must be designed and built with one and only waterproofing system, without exception.
System description
The waterproofing system consists of a waterproof concrete construction and the complementary elements described below, such as the waterproofing of joints and crossings, injections in cracks, joints and programmed cracking elements.
The system can be installed in the presence of pressurized water or not, on horizontal, vertical or overlapping surfaces.
Obtaining the waterproofing class for a concrete construction is conditioned by the correct application of building physics and by planning the measures that guarantee a reduced capillary volume, low vapor diffusion, a fine distribution of fine cracks and adequate conditions of application of concrete.
Waterproofed concrete constructions do not require protective layers over the entire surface.